I love taking photos. Primarily of people, but landscapes and scenery are cool too. I need to try more still-life/closeups or product photography to stretch my wings.
Photographers can be so obsessed with gear. And I won’t lie – I’m not immune to this affliction. I own a silly amount of lenses, and some very nice digital bodies, both mirrorless and traditional DSLR.

If you’re curious, most of the photos you’ll see on this site were shot with Fuji X-T cameras (X-T1, X-T3, or X-H1) or on a Nikon D750. Some older photos may be from my Nikon D3500, from before I graduated to full-frame/prosumer gear.
I’m absolutely in love with the Fuji X-T cameras, and the X-T3 is surely the best all-around camera a hybrid still/video shooter can buy as of this writing. But the D750 is still superior and worth lugging for a few specific tasks: mostly fast, low-light photography, due largely to the full-frame sensor and great-big, fast, sharp glass. Maybe a Nikon Z-series camera is in my future – it would be nice to put all my sweet F-mount lenses back to work after gravitating so strongly to the Fuji line, especially for low-light video! Obviously that will require an Atomos recorder and related storage media as well – making the whole package into quite an investment.
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