Sowed: 8 Sumter Cuke seeds in 4 pots, 8 “Tasty Green” cukes in 4 pots. All seedling pots were filled with the bottom half consisting of Kellog “Patio Plus” beefed up with a scoop of chicken manure, a heavy dusting of Kellog vegetable fertilizer, and two small scoops of perlite. Then topped with the coco coir-based seed starting blend with lots of vermiculite but no perlite, reconstituted/expanded using boiled banana peel water, and tossed with organic fertilizer, some peat, some lime, a little Epsom, and a good scoop of sand.
Planted: 5 more young spinach plants into the front (3rd row) of elevated SIP #3.
Cuttings: most of the tomatoes contributed sucker cuttings to the kitchen windowsill today.

Fertigated: added two heaping spoonfuls of Alaska Fish Fertlizer to the ~16 gallons of quasi compost tea before watering this morning. Maya commented that it smells “like a day at the beach”. Which I thought was pretty funny/gross.
Germinated: 5 of the 6 pole beans “Tender Green Improved” are up, 2 of them already quite large with strong leaves. 3 of the 4 Scarlet Pole Runner beans are up, but only one is all the way out with leaves