Actually backtracking a bit first:
2020-05-15: sowed basil seeds in takeout containers, “Italian Large Leaf” and “Purple” (something Greek?). Finished construction of the shade structure (50% shade cloth) over the elevated SIP containers.
2020-05-16: sowed New Zealand Spinach in peat pots (5 seeds in 5 pots). Reseeded bare spots in front lawn after repairing busted sprinkler heads (finally!). Built out first “elevated SIP container” to receive the leaf lettuces that have germinated in the kitchen window sill and the arugula that germinated outside. (first signs of the latest chard sprouts in the outside nursery container as well).

2020-05-17: Sowed Malabar Spinach in peat pots (8 seeds in 6 pots). Rearranged the tables and moved the yellow crookneck squash out to the pool section. Mixed the planting medium for that first elevated SIP container, and filled it up. Started construction of the first of a few big SIP containers from cut 55-gallon drums, intended to receive squashes and cukes. Going to need a lot more potting mix. 🙁 Construction and planting of these Big Blue Self-Watering Pots(tm) will be a blog entry unto itself.

Here are some more photos of the plants on this day:
Roma tomatoes in my first SIP build. This one with no watering tube! Struggling Yellow Crookneck Squash. Does have 2 fruits though! Swiss Chard from seed in late March. Yellow Cherry Tomatoes of three different varieties. Transplanted 3 weeks ago. Dill and Chives from seed. Calabacita, from seed sown in early-mid-March. Calabacita Zuccs planted from seed in mid-March. Black Beauty Zucchini purchased as a small transplant at the beginning of COVID-19 lockdown. Red Bell Pepper from the first COVID-19 cohort. Eggplant from the first COVID-19 batch. This “Early Girl” is from the first COVID-19 Lockdown batch. It’s doing awesome. Pathetic eggplant! Let’s get going! (two weeks after transplant!)